McCloud webinars for members

McCloud webinars for members

From March to May 2025 the Local Government Association are hosting a series of webinars aimed at members who are protected by the McCloud remedy.

To book a place go to

Pensions Increase is 1.7% this year from 7 April 2025

The Pensions Increase (Review) Order, which is issued each year by central government, tells all public sector pension schemes of the increase that should be applied to pension benefits. Further information can be found at All Members>Pensioners>Pension Increase.

McCloud Judgement

The Court of Appeal ruled in 2018 that protections introduced following public service pension schemes reforms in 2014 and 2015 were unlawful due to age discrimination. Further details can be found on the McCloud Judgement page in All Members>McCloud Judgement.

Death Grant Nomination

As a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), you can nominate who or where you would like your death grant to be paid. Add or update your nomination details in ‘My Pension Online’ or complete the Lump Sum Death Grant Nomination form in Forms/Guides.