Guidance for completing the New Membership Form

An employer who is not an i-Connect user should complete a New Membership Form for employees who are joining the Local Government Pension Scheme when they first join your organisation or, when they get a new or additional post.

Employee Personal Details

Please complete the employee’s personal details accurately as incorrect information will affect pension benefits. You should also send copies of birth and marriage certificates.

Employment Details

Please provide the details requested in relation to the new or additional post.

Employment Type

Contractual weeks: It is important that you provide the correct contractual weeks, including paid holiday, for term time only employees. North Yorkshire Pension Fund (NYPF) use this to do a reasonable check on the pay information provided.

Actual annual rate of pensionable pay: If the employee is part time, please give actual part time pay.  If the employee is full time, please give full time pay. If the employee is term time, please give term time only actual pay. Do not include overtime.

Whole time rate of pensionable pay: If the employee is part time, please give the pay they would receive if they were full time.  If the employee is full time, this figure should be the same as the actual pay.  If the employee is term time, please give term time only pay. Do not include overtime.

Membership and Contributions

Date started employment in this post: Please provide the date the employee started employment in their new or additional post.

Date joined pension scheme in this post: It is important that this date is the same or later than the ‘date started employment in this post’. If it is an additional post or a change in contractual employment, please do not provide the employee’s original start date in the pension scheme.

Contribution Rate: The contribution rate is determined by the employee’s actual pensionable pay.

Completed by

The person completing the form must be on your authorised signatory list. North Yorkshire Pension Fund will not accept any forms completed by staff who are not on your authorised signatory list.