An employee wishing to opt out should be directed to the opt out form. If the employee has more than one job they must provide details (on the opt out form) of the job(s) in which they wish to opt out. The opt out form should be returned to the employer’s payroll section.
i-Connect user
Opt out form received before payroll cut off
- Employee not included on your monthly i-Connect return – do not send a copy of the opt out form to the NYPF.
- Employee included on i-Connect return – send a copy of the opt out form to the NYPF.
Employee opts out within three months but after at least one pension deduction
- Opt out form received – refund the employee pension contributions through the payroll.
- Complete the ‘For completion by your employer’ section of the opt out form to confirm that employee pension contributions have refunded through payroll. The day the employee was put in the LGPS is the opting out date; this indicates that they have been removed from the LGPS from the start of employment (in the relevant post).
- Employee should have been included on your monthly i-Connect return – send a copy of the opt out form to the NYPF.
Employee opts out after more than three months
- Opt out form received – complete the ‘For completion by your employer’ section of the opt out form.
- The refund of employee pension contributions must be made by the NYPF and not through the payroll.
- Send a copy of the opt out form to NYPF.
- Update the employee as a leaver on the next i-Connect return (reason for leaving is opted out).
Not an i-Connect user
Opt out form received before payroll cut off
- Employer new membership form/starter interface not submitted – do not send a copy of the opt out form to the NYPF.
- Employer new membership form/starter interface submitted – send a copy of the opt out form to the NYPF.
Employee opts out within three months but after at least one pension deduction
- Opt out form received – refund the employee pension contributions through the payroll.
- Complete the ‘For completion by your employer’ section of the opt out form to confirm that employee pension contributions have refunded through payroll. The day the employee was put in the LGPS is the opting out date; this indicates that they have been removed from the LGPS from the start of employment (in the relevant post).
- Employer new membership from/starter interface should have been submitted – send a copy of the opt out form to the NYPF.
Employee opts out after more than three months
- Opt out form received – complete the ‘For completion by your employer’ section of the opt out form.
- The refund of employee pension contributions must be made by the NYPF and not through the payroll.
- Send a copy of the opt out form to NYPF.
- Complete a Leaver Form (reason for leaving is opted out).