Leavers under age 55

When a member who is under 55 leaves (either voluntarily or through redundancy/business efficiency) or opts out, they are entitled to either:

    • a deferred benefit – must have two or more years membership, including any membership transferred into the LGPS pension from other schemes.
    • a refund of pension contributions
        • under three months – employer refunds the contributions.
        • over three months but less than two years – the Fund refunds the employee contributions.

i-Connect user

If an employee either leaves employment or opts out with more than three months service, enter them as a leaver on your monthly i-Connect return. You must submit leaver information within six weeks of the employee leaving or opting out. The reason for leaving should be one of the following:

      • Voluntary resignation.
      • Redundancy/Efficiency under age 55.
      • Employee opt out.
      • Dismissal – you will be contacted to ask whether pension benefits are to be withheld. You may have a discretions policy on this although it’s not mandatory.
      • Death in service – you should already have made the Fund aware of the member’s death prior to your i-Connect submission. The contribution and pay information up to the date of death will still need to be added to your i-Connect submission.
      • TUPE to third party contractor.
      • Internal transfer within the organisation.
      • Other reason.

Not an i-Connect user

If an employee either leaves employment or opts out with more than three months service, submit a Leaver Form. You must submit leaver information within six weeks of the employee leaving or opting out. The reason for leaving should be one of the following:

      • Voluntary resignation.
      • Redundancy/Efficiency under age 55.
      • Employee opt out.
      • Dismissal – you will need to confirm whether pension benefits are to be withheld. You may have a discretions policy on this although it’s not mandatory.
      • Death in service – you should already have made the Fund aware of the member’s death prior to submitting a leaver form.
      • TUPE to third party contractor.
      • Internal transfer within the organisation.
      • Other reason.